Thursday, June 21, 2007

Alex will be repaid today,

The oracle has decreed that we should go to Q-Shack today. Yesterday resulted in Jeremy having to eat Bojangle's and me having to eat a veggie wrap and fruit salad (although I made $50 for participating in a usability test). Since Pat is still MIA doing some sort of home life situation Jenn and Alex will be joining us. This promises to be delicious!

UPDATE: It was delicious. Although my beef brisket sandwich was a bit too fatty for my liking. Also, we ran into Catherine and her crew from Motricity and have decided to plan a follow-up lunch in which we will meet her at Qshack. Also, Pat's hat form Danny's BBQ was on display.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Durham Bulls Game 1 of Many

I was pretty slack last week about updating this thing, hopefully I'll be a bit better this week.

We will be shedding our gold-plated handcuffs this afternoon and heading to the Durham Bulls Park for some delicious treats and possibly paying attention to the game for a while also. The Nutty Bavarian will hopefully be there waiting. Jerry Perry will not be participating today because he needed to be at home so that he could get his new cobra hood installed.